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Once upon a time, in a world that seemed so small,

There lived a tiny caterpillar, crawling on a wall.

Her colors were so vibrant, greens and shades of brown,

She dreamt of a day she’d fly, high above the ground.


She’d see the birds in flight, and envy their swift glide,

Dreaming of the day when she’d be by their side.

With only a dream to hold, she wove a small cocoon,

Praying that her transformation would happen very soon.


Encased within her silk, she whispered to the sky,

“I hope when I emerge, I’ll be a butterfly.”

With courage in her heart and faith in her design,

She rested in her shell, awaiting for a sign.


Night passed into day, the sun began to beam,

Within her humble cocoon, she started to dream.

She dreamt of painted wings, of colors bold and bright,

Of dancing in the sunlight, and soaring through the night.


Days and nights went by, as she grew in her sleep,

In her cozy cocoon, her dreams ran so deep.

And then on one fine morning, she felt a gentle squeeze,

She knew that it was time, and felt a gentle breeze.


With a gentle push and a struggle, she finally broke free,

And what a glorious butterfly she turned out to be!

Her wings, they were stunning, with colors oh so bright,

A wondrous transformation, that filled her with delight.


She fluttered her new wings, took off to the sky,

The world marveled at her beauty, as she began to fly.

From a humble caterpillar to a butterfly so grand,

She realized her dream, just as she had planned.


So if you see a caterpillar crawling on a tree,

Remember it’s on a journey, just wait and you will see.

With a heart full of dreams and a little time to bide,

The humble caterpillar, into a butterfly will glide.

caterpillar water color