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Wendy was a tiny water droplet, sparkling blue and always full of wonder. She lived on a vast ocean with her many siblings, enjoying the warm sunlight. But Wendy always dreamt of adventure and exploring different places.

One sunny day, as the sun shone brightly, Wendy felt a tickling sensation. She looked around and noticed that she was rising, leaving the ocean behind! “This is called evaporation,” whispered an elder droplet. “We’re turning into water vapor and going up to the sky!”

Floating high above, Wendy was amazed by the vast blue expanse. She and her siblings formed a cloud. “This is so fluffy!” she giggled, making cloud shapes with her friends.

But soon, the cloud became heavy and crowded. Wendy felt a gentle push, and then, she was falling, turning into a liquid again, racing towards the ground. “This is condensation and now precipitation,” her friend Dana explained. “We’re turning into raindrops!”

Wendy splashed onto the soft earth, flowing along streams, joining rivers, and having a great time. “This is called runoff,” she learnt from an old droplet. “We’re heading back to our ocean home.”

Wendy’s journey didn’t end there. In winter, she felt herself getting colder, slowing down, until she was completely still. She had turned into a tiny ice crystal! “This is solidification,” said a snowflake nearby. “You’re now a part of the snow.”

Spring came, and Wendy felt warmth again. She slowly melted, turning back into a liquid droplet. “And this,” she told a young droplet, “is melting.”

Wendy had experienced the magic of nature’s water cycle. Happy and wise, she continued her endless journey, always eager to share her story with young droplets, reminding them of the wonders they were about to experience.