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Up high in the sky, past the fluffy cloud layer,
Lives a kind-hearted giant named Cloud Cradler.
Tall as a mountain, with a laugh big and loud,
He joyfully lives atop his soft, fluffy cloud.

Cloud Cradler, oh, Cloud Cradler, high up in the sky,
With your head in the stars, and a twinkle in your eye.
You scoop up the clouds, like a giant ice cream,
Painting pictures and stories, as if in a dream.

You mold a dragon, fierce and grand,
Then a castle, majestic, over the land.
With a flick of your fingers, a swift little bend,
A sea full of creatures you deftly tend.

Sometimes, he’d make a galleon that sails,
Or a forest of animals with their tails.
Each scene a new spectacle, splendid and bright,
Illuminated by the soft, moon’s silver light.

He’d giggle and chuckle, so hearty and free,
Creating his art for all to see.
So, when you look up and see shapes in the clouds,
Remember the giant, and his canvas so proud.

Cloud Cradler, oh, Cloud Cradler, sculptor of the sky,
Your heart is full of dreams, reaching up so high.
Thank you for the joy, the wonder you share,
Crafting your cloud art with such tender care.